I am currently writing a book and below is the "teaser" that will be used to entice people to purchase my book.
Many of the concepts I will explain in this book come straight from NLP and Hypnosis. I am not going to devote my efforts to explaining the history of NLP or Hypnosis. There are plenty of books written on these topics and if you are really interested, I suggest you do a quick google search or watch a YouTube video on the topic. There are plenty of resources already in existence to satisfy your curiosity.
I will do my best to explain NLP and Hypnosis based upon my understanding. Let us start with NLP.
Neuro Linguistic Programming. (NLP)
Neuro refers to the internal representation that a person creates in their brain to explain a stimulus. This internal representation exists of sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, smells and an internal dialogue. (inner voice)
Linguistic refers to our need to assign words to our experiences to code the experience. It is not a particularly accurate way to code or explain our experience, however it is the only method we have. For this reason, we will understandably place a great deal of emphasis on the accuracy of our coding method. In essence, we create a story to explain a life event and then convince ourselves that our story is true. The language we use to code our experience is important considering it forms the basis for our reality.
Programming refers to the predictability that is created by assigning words to experience. When we understand that the words, we assign to events are not the event itself we can interrupt our programmed behaviour. When we fail to understand this and we mistakenly live as though the words we use to explain an event are the event itself, we can trap ourselves in an unconscious pattern of behaviour.
When a client tells me that they are unhappy with life, I listen carefully for an internal conflict that may be created by a wholehearted "buy in" of their conscious interpretations. Maybe they have told themselves that they should be happy because they have all the things that are supposed to bring happiness.
Successful career= check.
2.5 kids = check.
Health = check.
White picket fence = check.
When a client describes how great their life is and yet, they are still unhappy it gives me a clue as to where the problem lies. (I am simplifying the process for the purposes of illustrating this point) This person has checked all the boxes of what they believe should give them happiness. At least, this is what they believe consciously. What about their unconscious beliefs, values and desires? What about the things they want that reside outside their conscious awareness? Can they neglect their unconscious needs and wants and still achieve happiness?
When I put clients like this in touch with their unconscious mind so that they can see how they created the belief system that is currently ruling their lives, their lives change for the better. When they truly see (often for the first time) that the reality they have been carrying around in their heads is far more subjective than they ever realized, they will access behaviours that may not have been previously available.
This incongruency between the unconscious and conscious mind creates an internal conflict that can leave people feeling stuck. The first step to getting unstuck is to realize that you do not have to accept the stories in your head.
Change your stories and your behaviour will automatically change. This will lead to better results and your life will improve. There you have it. That is this entire book and my entire career as an NLP coach and Hypnotist in a nutshell.