Your brain wants to be able to predict the future and it does this by accessing the past. Memories become predictions of not only how you will behave, but also how you will feel.
This is part of the survival mechanism that exists in all of us. It is as though your brain is saying, “We have survived so far so we should keep doing what has created that survival. After all, survival is a success.” Think about it, if you have success, why would you tamper with the formula that created it?
The problem is, that we may create poor meanings that lead to poor behaviours and emotions when we rely on this predictive nature of the human brain.
The antidote to this ineffective way of thinking is to become truly present. When we are present and living life in the moment, we are more flexible in our thinking. The constraints of our past no longer trap us and we can access thoughts that otherwise may be unavailable. These thoughts plant the seeds of possibility as we begin seeing the world in a new way.
Being present is the key that unlocks the door to goal achievement and inner peace.
If this blog makes sense to you and you wish to learn more about NLP, please DM me. I have a training course from October 16-20, 2024 that may interest you.